Living Peace
The Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace produce a biannual publication called Living Peace. The publication engages readers in contemplation and action for justice and peace through informative and reflective articles, poetry and prayers.
Articles on Peace Ministries and Sponsored Ministries
Planting Seeds for a Sustainable Future (Autumn 2024)
Responding to the Signs of This Time (Autumn 2023)
Peace Ministries: A Family of Ministries Rooted in Christ's Gospel of Peace (Summer 2022)
History and Roots: Waterspirit - A Perfect Marriage of Ecology and Spirituality (Spring 2021)
Ministry Focus: Everyone Has the Right to Change Their Lives for the Better (Summer 2019)
Peace Ministries: Tending Hopes and Aspirations (Spring 2018)
Making Something New: Peace Ministries, Inc. (Summer 2015)
Kenmare Press
Kenmare Press is a book publishing imprint of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. In the spirit of the congregation founder, Margaret Anna Cusack (Mother Francis Clare), who was a prolific writer herself, this publishing project launched during the 135th anniversary year of the sisters.